A quick update for those who like living on the edge ;-)
Firstly, I've published a snapshot of Embedded JBoss beta3 - this is a pretty major update to Embedded JBoss (and its components like EJB3, Hibernate etc.) and pretty close to the beta3 release - so it would be great to get some feedback. It's looking good (but there is a known issue with JMS).
If you want to give it a go:
- Tomcat: Follow these instructions to install into a /fresh/ copy of Tomcat.
- SeamTest: Replace your current bootstrap directory and lib/test directory
Secondly, if you've made the move to Java 6 you need a couple of tweaks to Embedded JBoss for the beta3 snapshot:
- Start java with -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true
- Java 6 SE includes JAXB 2.0, but Embedded JBoss needs JAXB 2.1. The easiest way to do this is to put the jaxb-api.jar (for JAXB 2.1) into the
library directory, then start java with -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/path/to/endorsed/directoy
Your testng launcher would look something like this:
<testng outputdir="/path/to/test/report/directory"> <jvmarg line="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/path/to/endorsed/directory" /> <jvmarg line="-Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true" /> <classpath refid="test.classpath" /> <xmlfileset dir="/path/to/src/directory" includes="**/testng.xml" /> </testng>