The Seam Component Model

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One of the distinctive features of Seam is that a lot more things are treated as components than what you might be used to from other architectures. In fact, pretty much every object you write will be treated as a Seam component.

For example, it is not normal in other frameworks to think of entity objects as components. But in Seam, we would typically treat User as a session-scope component (to model the currently logged in user) and entities like Order and Document as conversation-scope components (most conversations are centric to some entity instance).

Objects that listen for events are also components. Just like JSF, Seam does not have any notion of an Action class. Rather, it lets events be bound to methods of any Seam component. This means, in particular, that one Seam component can model a whole conversation, with the attributes of the component holding conversational state, and the methods of the component defining the functionality that occurs for each step in the conversation. (Note that this would be possible in plain JSF, except for the fact that JSF does not define a conversation context.)

The vision for Seam is that the notion of event will also be a unifying one. An event might be a UI event, it might be Web Services request, a transition event for the long-running business process, a JMS message, or something else we havn't thought of yet.

Again like JSF, an event listener method never takes any argument. This is quite in contrast to GUI frameworks like Swing, or Action based web frameworks like Struts where there is some Event object passed as a paremeter to the action method (a Servlet HttpRequest is an example of this pattern). Alternatively, some other frameworks will expose some thread-bound context object to the action listener. Both JSF and Seam offer thread-bound contexts as a secondary mechanism, but in the case of Seam, this mechanism is for exceptional cases only.

JSF has the right idea here. Ideally, the whole state of the system can be represented by components, that are assembled together automatically by the container. This eliminates the event object or context object from the view of the application, resulting in tidier and more naturally object-oriented code. Under the covers, the JSF implementation locates dependent beans of a managed bean using named context variables, and automagically instantiates a new instance of the needed managed bean if the context variable is empty.

Unfortunately, JSF is limited in three ways.

First, initilizing or modifying the value of a context variable requires direct access to the context object, FacesContext, breaking the abstraction. Seam fixes this problem by introducing outjection.

@In @Out Document document;

public void updateDocument() {
    document = entityManager.merge(document);

@Out User user;

public void login() {
    user = entityManager.createQuery("from User user ....")
           .setParameter("username", username)
           .setParameter("password", password)

Second, assembly (dependency injection) is performed when a managed bean is instantiated, which means that, (a) a component in a wide scope (the session, say) cannot have a reference to a component in a narrow scope (the request, for example) and (b) if we modify the value of a context variable, components which were already assembled will not see the new value, and will keep working with the obsolete object. Seam fixes this problem by making assembly (injection/outjection) a process that occurs at component invocation time.

@Entity @Scope(REQUEST)
public class OrderLine { ... }

@Stateful @Scope(CONVERSATION)
public class CreateOrderConversation {
   @In OrderLine orderLine;

   public addOrderLine()

At this time, most other IoC frameworks have the same two limitations, and this is perfectly defensible in the case of something like Spring where the components being injected are understood to be stateless, and hence any two instances of a component are interchangeable. It's not so good if components are stateful, as they are in JSF.

Third, JSF has just three contexts (request, session, application). So, if I want to hold state relating to a particular user across several requests, I have to put it in a session scoped component. This makes it effectively impossible to use JSF managed beans to create an application where the user can be doing two different things, concurrently, working in two windows at once! It also leaves it up to you to clean up state when you're finished with it, by manually removing session context variables via the context object (FacesContext).

Seam is the first attempt to create a truly uniform and unifying model of contexts which are meaningful to the /application/. The five basic contexts are event, conversation, session, business process and application. There is also the stateless psuedo-context.

The conversation context is a logical (application demarcated) context scoped to a particular view (browser window). For example, in an insurance claims application, where user input is collected over several screens, the Claim object might be a conversation scoped component.

The business process context holds state associated with the long running business process being orchestrated by jBPM. If review and approval of the insurance claim involves interaction with several different users, the Claim could be a business process scoped component, and would be available for injection during each user interaction.

You might object that an object might have one scope some of the time, and another scope at other times. Actually, I think this happens /much/ less frequently than you might expect, and if it does occur, Seam will support the idea of the same class having multiple roles in the system.

For applications with /extremely/ complex workflows, nested conversations and nested business processes are almost certainly needed, which opens the possibility for an /arbitrary/ set of scopes. Seam does not currently implement this, but the context model of Seam is designed for eventual extension to cover this kind of thing.

We've even discussed introducing more exotic contexts. Do transaction scoped components make sense? Probably not for application components, but possibly for infrastructural components. (Yes, the Seam component model has uses beyond application component management.) For now I'd prefer not to add things like this until we see a very clear need.

So, by this stage you're probably asking what this idea of contextual components actually /buys/ you? Well, for me there are three key things.

First, it allows us to bind stateful components, expecially entity beans, directly to the webpage. (Note that if you are going to bind your entities directly to JSF forms, you will also need some nice way to do validation, which is where Seam's integration with Hibernate Validator comes into the picture.) So, you can build a whole application from just pages, session-beans bound to events produced by the page, and entity beans bound to the page. It is this possibility for an unlayered architecture which makes Seam such a potentially productive environment. (Of course, if you want to introduce extra layers yourself, you can certainly do that, but it is not forced upon you.)

Second, it means that the container (Seam) can guarantee cleanup of state from ended or abandoned conversations. In the case of abandoned conversations, Seam gives you a choice: for server-side conversations, there is a conversation timeout that is independent of the session timeout. Alternatively, you can use client-side conversations.

Finally, the model allows stateful components to interact in a relatively loosly coupled way. Clients of a component need not to be aware of its lifecycle, or of its relationships to other components. All they need to know is what /kind/ of thing it is, and what are its operations.

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