Finally final review

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I finally got the comments from our Hibernate in Action reviewers back, so it's time to give everyone an update on the current state. First, thanks to all of you guys for your feedback. We really appreciate the many hours you spent reading and commenting on the book. As one of you said: A good book is only possible with excellent reviewers.

Your feedback (and the overall response so far) was very positive, so we soon have a great Hibernate manual for everyone. Some of the minor things you found will be fixed immediately, as we go now in copyedit and typesetting (and then, finally to press).

The current schedule is to have Chapter 1 on the Manning Early Access Program next week. For all of you that don't know the process: With MEAP, you can get the chapters of a Manning book while it's finalized. This means you get PDFs just after typesetting and after some weeks, when all chapters are ready to print (remember that at the same time the copyeditor has to proofread everything), you will get a hardcopy of the finished book too. I'll give you an update as soon as we have something to show.

I'm still busy fixing code bugs in our examples and most importantly, finishing the example application. We also use this example app in our Hibernate public training , so expect some very interesting mapping techniques and Hibernate tricks. I'll have to add some kind of presentation layer on top, but I wasn't really happy with the WebWork2/Hibernate demo app we built earlier this year (WW2 needs documentation). I have to get back into web frameworks now (poor me), an area I successfully avoided for more than a year. I think I should give Tapestry a look, as it is at least properly documented. Any recommendations? No, not Struts!

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