Recently I have been messing with adding custom class loading to Hibern8IDE, so it can load model and database driver classes at dynamically.
This allows us to run Hibern8IDE standalone instead of requiring users to run it from their actual project (which of course still is possible ;)
The 'trick' is as follows:
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); ClassLoader prevCl = thread.getContextClassLoader(); try { List urls = ... // a list of paths/zips/jars for the classloader if(urls.size()>0) { URLClassLoader _newLoader = new URLClassLoader((URL[]) urls.toArray(new URL[0]), thread.getContextClassLoader()); thread.setContextClassLoader(_newLoader); } // convince DriverManager that you can use our specified driver! String driverClass = props.getProperty("hibernate.connection.driver_class"); if(driverClass!=null) { try { Class driverClazz = ReflectHelper.classForName(driverClass); DriverManager.registerDriver(new FakeDelegatingDriver((Driver) driverClazz.newInstance())); } catch (... e1) { } } configuration = new Configuration(); configuration = configuration.setProperties(props); configuration = configuration.configure(configfile); Iterator hbms = mappings.iterator(); while (hbms.hasNext()) { hbm = (File); configuration = configuration.addFile(hbm.toString()); } initialize(); // build sessionfactory etc. } catch (... e) { } finally { thread.setContextClassLoader(prevCl); }
The code does two things install Hibern8IDE custom classloader while loading the mappings and jdbc drivers PLUS install a FakeDelegatingDriver to convince the stupid java.sql.DriverManager that it is ok to load jdbc drivers from other places than the system classloader.
And this works!, but not when trying to Java Webstart enabling Hibern8IDE :(
It seems like Java Webstart is very strict about it's permission policy even though a <all-permission/> tag are in the JNLP file :(
The loading of model classes and drivers works smoothly, but as soon as the driver wants to connect to the database a security exception is throwing saying the application is not allowed to connect to a port on the database machine :(
So, for now Hibern8IDE is available in a standalone version, but unfortunately not via Java Webstart because of it's strictness!
Any bright ideas are welcome!