Welcome to the Hibernate community newsletter in which we share blog posts, forum and StackOverflow questions that are especially relevant to our users.


The new User Guide is online, and it’s now the default Hibernate reference documentation. We keep on improving it, and the next release will contain a chapter about Hibernate Spatial, a section about calling stored procedures, and an update to the Multi-tenancy chapter.

Sanne talked about Hibernate Search and Lucene at the London Lucene/Solr Meetup. I hope the recordings will be available soon.


Bozhidar Bozhanov wrote a step-by-step guide for integrating Hibernate, Spring, and Infinispan.

Dane Dennis, from JArchitect, analyzed the Hibernate Core API and concluded that Hibernate is a "good example of open source projects to learn from".

While running some tests on all major relational database systems, I bumped into a very interesting issue relating to MySQL metadata locking. The bottom line is that you a transaction should always end as otherwise locks might be held, therefore impacting other concurrent transactions.

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