IronJacamar 1.1.0.Alpha4 is out

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I'm happy to announce the 4th developer snapshot of the IronJacamar 1.1 series.

Full release notes are here.

Resource adapter information tool

This release adds a resource adapter information tool, that can provide the important information about the resource adapter and a sample deployment descriptor.

The information about the resource adapter is generated using the following command:

./ myeis.rar

where the report will be located in myeis-report.txt. The tool can take an optional -classpath parameter such that additional external dependencies can be resolved against the resource adapter.

The report will contain information about

  • The name of the resource adapter
  • The Java EE Connector Architecture specification version
  • The type of the resource adapter
  • If the resource adapter supports reauthentication
  • If the resource adapter is compliant (see the validator tool)
  • If the resource adapter contains native libraries
  • Overview of the resource adapter class
  • Overview of the managed connection factory classes
  • Overview of the admin object classes
  • Overview of the activation specification classes
  • A sample deployment descriptor

The tool ( is located in the doc/as/ directory of the distribution. Try it out and send us your thoughts :)

JBoss Application Server 7.1.0.Beta1

The JBoss Application Server 7.1.0.Beta1 release is out featuring IronJacamar 1.0.5.Final, so give that release a good run and report any issues that you may find. Be sure to check the forums for possible answers first though.

As seen by the 1.1.0.Alpha4 release notes we have found some more bugs - the fixes should make their way into JBoss AS7 soon.

The Road Ahead

We will keep pushing to make JBoss Application Server 7.1.0.CR1 the best application server out there to deploy resource, adapters on, so we value any feedback that you will send.

For Those About to Rock, We Salute You !

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