A bug report was recently opened in Hibernate's JIRA stating that Hibernate incorrectly handles deadlock scenarios. The basis for the report was an example in the /Pro Hibernate 3/ book (Chapter 9). For those perhaps not familiar with the term deadlock, the basic gist is that two processes each hold resource locks that the other needs to complete processing. While this phenomena is not restricted to databases, in database terms the idea is that the first process (P1) holds a write lock on a given row (R1) while the second process (P2) holds a write lock on another row (R2). Now, to complete its processing P1 needs to acquire a write lock on R2, but cannot do so because P2 already holds its write lock. Conversely, P2 needs to acquire a write lock on R1 in order to complete its processing, but cannot because P1 already holds its write lock. So neither P1 nor P2 can complete its processing because each is indefinitely waiting on the other to release the needed lock, which neither can do until its processing is complete. The two processes are said to be deadlocked in this situation.

Almost all databases have support to circumvent this scenario by specifying that locks should be timed-out after a certain period of time; after the time-out period, one of the processes is forced to rollback and release its locks, allowing the other to continue and complete. While this works, it is not ideal as it requires that the processes remained deadlocked until the underlying timeout period is exceeded. A better solution is for the database to actively seek out deadlock situations and immediately force one of the deadlock participants to rollback and release its locks, which most databases do in fact also support.

So now back to the /Pro Hibernate 3/ example. Let me say up front that I have not read the book and so do not understand the background discussion in the chapter nor the authors' intent/exceptations in regards to the particular example code. I only know the expectations of a (quite possibly mis-guided) reader. So what this example attempts to do is to spawn two threads that each use their own Hibernate Session to load the same two objects in reverse order and then modify their properties. So the above mentioned reader expects that this sould cause a deadlock scenario to occur. But it does not. Or more correctly, in my running of the example, it typically does not, although the results are inconsistent. Sometimes a deadlock is reported; but the vast majority of runs actually just succeed. Why is that the case?

So here is what really happens in this example code. As I mentioned before, the example attempts to load the same two objects in reverse order. The example uses the entities Publisher and Subscriber. The first thread (T1) loads a given Publisher and modifies its state; it is then forced to wait. The second thread (T2) loads a given Subscriber and modified its state; it is then forced to wait. Then both threads are released from their waiting state. From there, T1 loads the same Subscriber previously loaded by T2 and modifies its state; T2 loads the same Publisher previously loaded by T1 and modifies its state. The thing you need to keep in mind here is that so far neither of these two Sessions have actually been flushed, thus no UPDATE statements have actually occurred against the database at this point. The flush occurs on each Session after each thread's second load and modify sequence. Thus, until that point neither thread (i.e. the corresponding database process) is actually holding any write locks on the underlying data. Clearly, the outcome here is going to depend upon the manner in which the two threads are actually allowed to re-awaken by the underlying threading model, and in particular whether the UPDATE statements from the two sessions happen to get interleaved. If the two threads happen to interleave their requests to the database (i.e. T1's UPDATE PUBLISHER happens first, T2's UPDATE SUBSCRIBER hapens second, etc) then a deadlock will occur; if not interleaved, then the outcome will be success.

There are three ways to inequivocally ensure that lock acquisition errors in the database force one of these two transactions to fail in this example:

  • use of SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation in the database
  • flushing the sesssion after each state change (and the end of the example code's step1() and step2() methods)
  • use of locking (either optimistic or pessimistic)

Seems simple enough. Yet apparently not simple enough for the reader of the /Pro Hibernate 3/ book that opened the previously mentioned JIRA case. After all this was explained to him, he wrote me some ill-tempered, misconception-laden replies in private emails. I am not going to go into all the misconceptions here, but one in particular I think needs to be exposed as many developers without a lot of database background seem to stumble over various concepts relating to transactions. Isolation and locking are not the same thing. In fact, to a large degreee, they actually have completely opposite goals and purposes. Transaction isolation aims to isolate or insulate one transaction from other concurrent transactions, such that operations performed in one transaction do not effect (to varying degrees, based on the exact isolation mode employed) operations performed in others. Locking, on the other hand, has essentially the exact opposite goal; it seeks to ensure that certain operations performed in a transaction do have certain effects on other concurrent transactions. In fact locking really has nothing to do with transactions at all except for the fact that their duration is typically scoped to the transaction in which they are acquired and that their presence/absense might affect the outcome of the different transactions. Perhaps, although I cannot say for sure, this confusion comes from the fact that a lot of databases use locking as the basis for their isolation model. But that is just an implementation detail and some databases such as Oracle, Postgres, and the newest SQL Server have very sophisticated and modern isolation engines not at all based on locking.

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